Application procedure
Doctoral and Postdoctoral Research Positions
- In the areas of Chemistry, Biology and Biotechnology
- Departments of Chemistry, Biology and Process Engineering at RWTH Aachen University and Research Center Juelich
Our profile
The International Research Training Group (IRTG) „Selectivity in Chemo- and Biocatalysis“ (SeleCa) is an international and interdisciplinary program, providing research opportunities for chemo- and biocatalysis. Research groups at RWTH Aachen University, Research Center Juelich and Osaka University in Japan cooperate within the areas of chemo-and biocatalysis to offer an educational platform for selected graduate students. The German Research Foundation (DFG) as well as the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) both approved the extension of the IRTG until 2019. Information on current and future projects as well as on updates concerning the qualification program is provided on the homepage: www.seleca.rwth-aachen.de.Your profile
Excellent and speedy undergraduate studies (considering child caring periods) are required, preferably in the area of chemistry, chemical engineering, or biology. Applicants must have a university degree (master or equivalent). We expect a desire to work within an interdisciplinary and international environment, especially since this program includes a training period in Japan.Your task
Doctoral candidates will carry out research in chemocatalysis (metal-, organo- and supramolecular catalysis), biocatalysis (enzyme and whole cell catalysis) or combined chemo- and biocatalysis. Within each project, selectivity aspects are studied involving strong interdisciplinary cooperation as well as bilateral contacts between Aachen and Osaka. Successful applicants will take part in organizational duties as well as cross-cultural training.Our offer
The position is for three years and is to be filled by April 01, 2016. The successful candidate has the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree. The salary corresponds to level 2/3 TV-L 13 of the German public service salary scale (TV-L).Contact partner
Dr. Thomas P. Spaniol
Institut für Anorganische Chemie
Landoltweg 1
D- 52056 Aachen
Tel.: +49 241 80 99664
Institut für Anorganische Chemie
Landoltweg 1
D- 52056 Aachen
Tel.: +49 241 80 99664